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Land Drainage

Land drainage is a process that has been carried out for hundreds of years to increase the productivity of land. Excess water is removed to prevent waterlogging and promote healthy plant and root growth 

Benefits of good land drainage

Land drainage has a wide range of benefits, including:

  • No waterlogging

  • Lower water table

  • Improved soil structure meaning better root structures, reduced cultivations and reduced poaching, soil erosion and runoff

  • Wider working window

  • Better weed control, for example blackgrass and common rush

  • Crops have better drought resistance

  • Reduce flooding downstream by giving a continuous, controlled runoff

  • After serious flooding events water is removed quickly which could be the difference between crop success and failure

  • Reduced variable costs such as seed and fertiliser

  • Increased land values

  • All of the above lead to higher crop yields and increased profits


Why choose WJ & S Rimmer contractors?

With over 50 years experience, WJ & S Rimmer can carry out all your land drainage needs, from an initial field survey to completion of the final plans. We offer both trenched and trenchless installation with a variety of specialist land drainage machines and low ground pressure excavators and gravel carts, ensuring every job is carried out to the highest standard with minimal disruption. All of our drainage machines are fitted with full laser guidance ensuring all drains are laid with millimetre precision.


Before installing systems we carry out a full investigation to determine the most cost effective remedy working with the topography, outfall, soil type and existing drainage systems. We can then complete the necessary work specific to that field, to provide the most effective solution. Whether it be investigation, repairs, maintenance or complete system installation please contact us. 

Please see the image gallery below to view a selection of our work.

Drainage Supplies

As well as installing systems we can also supply drainage materials. We keep a stock of concrete pipes and manhole rings, twinwall pipe, (both perforated and unperforated), as well as drainage coil from 80-160mm diameter. We also keep various fittings including junctions, connectors and water pipe fittings in stock. 

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